Month: July 2014

Felix the Comet eBook is available!

Felix the Comet is now available via in eBook format for only $8.99!

Is your 9-12 year old due for a new book to fill summer hours? Get it now!!

Soon the eBook of Felix will also be available via Amazon Kindle, iBook, Nook, Kobo and other distributors. But for now, it is exclusively available in Print and eBook from

I would really love it if you rated the book on Lulu, Goodreads, or a blog. If interested in blogging a review, please comment below. thank you!

Enjoy, and happy reading!



Announcing The Release of “Felix the Comet”



It’s Official! Felix the Comet is available for order through!

Melissa Gay‘s art translated into a beautiful cover!


A couple of authors I admire very much gave me blurbs for the back cover. Thank you to Veronica Chambers and Laurie Krebs!

IMG_1899’s design team came up with a great page break paw print to represent Cosmo!




The ebook is coming very soon, and the paperback is currently only available on, but the ebook will be available through many sites. I will let you all know where when I know, and provide links. Of course, I make a little more from sales through Lulu. 🙂


I am so very excited to share my book with everyone. Thank you to my donors through, and to, and

Donor ebooks PDFs will be sent as soon as I receive, as well as the signed paperbacks and other incentives. I will sign and ship out as fast as I can!


Projected Ebook Announcement!

I am very excited about announcing the availability of Felix the Comet after our long journey through writing, editing, and publishing. So much, that I am still a wee bit …anticipatory.

As it currently stands, Felix the Comet should be available in ebook format through sometime on Monday July 14, 2014! I will let you know better when I know better myself, as I am curbing my enthusiasm while remaining cautious about the prospect. Expect a definitive announcement on Monday.

For those who donated to my Pubslush fundraiser, I will be sending you a PDF version via email. My hope is that you will read and add a review on Lulu’s site for Felix the Comet.

I am hoping to offer a deep reviewer discount for bloggers who review children’s, middle reader, or YA novels. I will work that out as I can. Inquiries or contact info appreciated via comments below.

A few more weeks are needed for the printing process, and to offer Felix in other ebook venues. Then it will be available by print only through, because of the smaller format I chose. Ebook versions will be available through virtually every major ebook source: Lulu, Kindle, Nook, iBook, and Kobo.

Thank you for your patience, your time, your support, and your donations. I am truly happy about this entire experience.

I may be going dark on the internet before Monday, July 14th, but watch for more on my Facebook page and Twitter via links in the right column here.

Yay, Felix!!