
Moving Right Along

I have had a little luck with some sales here and there with Felix The Comet. I haven’t been doing much promo lately, but am working on a press release through my publisher, Lulu’s marketing team. So, I hope that when that comes out, I will see a jump in sales. The book has been selling steadily, but small.

Meanwhile, the school year started, which always makes me a little busier with family things, making writing take a back step. As my kids settle back into a school year – 1st grade, sophomore in high school, and sophomore in college, very exciting times – I have opened up the old Nanowrimo I started about 4 years ago for Felix’s friend Kelsey’s adventure the following summer after sixth grade and everything that went down for Felix.

I am finding that I don’t hate it nearly as much as I thought I would! Nano is not the most conducive way for me to write, but it is a good tool to keep up a daily writing practice especially when I need a jumpstart. I have really been enjoying reacquainting myself with Kelsey and the gang, and their families, from a new perspective. I am mostly in editing mode of what is already on paper, but am adding a bit here and there to change things up a bit from the rush job of Nano. I have the end of the book to write yet, though I do know what it looks like out there on the horizon, can’t wait to see it in better focus as I inch toward it.

I continue to ask you all to spread the word about Felix the Comet as the, I know, I know, Holidays approach. I bet a number of kids, parents, and teachers in your lives would enjoy Felix as a stocking stuffer, Channukah present, or for whatever you celebrate. A little reminder: Felix is available from Lulu directly in paperback or ebook formats and for a wide variety of devices from Kindle to Nook, iBook and Independent sellers.

And if you are a writer, too, I do recommended giving Nanowrimo a whirl this November. It can be loads of fun. I may even step back into it to work on Kelsey, though I may not follow the rules of the game completely. That part makes me a little nutty.