Month: May 2015

Local 15 Minutes of Fame

The Daily Press, local paper for Hampton Roads featured Felix the Comet in their entertainment section this week! Click on the title of the newspaper to see the local authors feature in Leah Price’s column online. I’m still fond of reading actual newspapers, the feel of the pages, the inky newsprint smell, the sound of the pages when I flap them into shape. I didn’t even have to do that yesterday, as my name was on the top of the front page of the Entertainment section!

May is great timing to order a paperback copy for summer reading from or any ereader app you prefer by visiting the links in my right margin or below if you are viewing via mobile device, or look for Felix the Comet in your preteen’s ereader!

If you are a teacher or administrator for an elementary or middle school and would like me to visit, please feel free to contact me via the comments section for next school year.

Thanks and Happy Reading!
